Mambo Jumbo: Tonal Recall My goal for this week’s application of the labs was to create a music box with a touch sensor that plays “Papa Loves Mambo” when the touch sensor…

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Simplified Complication: Modular Objects I spent my time this week trying to work through the complications of java script, modifying the “game” that I put together last week. I did experience some…

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I Saw the Sign: The Good, the Bad, the Revamp

click here Once you start consciously observing the signage that covers 95% of the surroundings in NYC, you can’t un-see it all. You enter this rabbit hole of visual stimulation…

P Complicated: StresSmile and the analogRead/digitalWrite program I spent much of this week stuck in an internet video and tutorial worm hole getting more lost than I was to begin with.  I found myself finally…

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ICM: King Kong Just Needs Some Love

follow site We all have those days here at ITP where we are hanging off of the Empire State Building, yelling and screaming,  wreaking havoc on the city of New…

Observation: Interactive Video Kiosk Experience

follow link Location: American Museum of Natural History Interactive Technology: “Send a Video to Friends & Family” Video Kiosk Duration of Transactions: Under 3 minutes I went to the American…

Design Analysis – Disneyland’s Matterhorn Attraction Poster The original posters for the Disneyland Attractions have always struck me as nothing shy of brilliant. They have that vintage classic tone, yet very current feel to them….

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Week 2: Reading Response

Buy Valium New York Norman’s discussion about design failures that lack a a good conceptual model and visibility really hit home for me. Several devices from my last job really stand out….


Week 2 Switches Lab: LED Dog Collar

go site At first I began the labs using the guide and instructions for setting up a circuit in the Arduino handbook. And then redid the lab according to the…


Playing with Animation I am going to call this activity a session of trial and error. I was able to accomplish all of the steps, however, very basic and with some…
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