The plan for thesis is to physically build out a piece of the Museum of Funny Ladies, featuring the ladies of film, screen and script. The form is yet to be determined but can happen in one of several ways:
  1. A focus on several key comedians
  2. A focus on several key moments or eras
  3. An interactive hologram of a comedian with haptic feedback. Content includes either interview footage or performance footage.

Buy Valium Cheap Here is a list of other ways to make certain exhibits interactive, that have been tossed around since writing up the original case statement.

source url Writers’ Room
Create a script AR experience, where visitors go through physical scripts written by women comedy writers. They download an app and can watch that episode in AR above the physical script. Or, instead of actual show footage, the AR footage can include the women writer’s talking about that particular script and/or show.


see url General
The ideal goal is to have physical artifacts on display. In the event that artifacts prove difficult to get, 3D or pepper’s ghosted hologram-like versions can be put on display. Perhaps this can be interactive, where visitors can scroll through artifacts. This can potentially allow for more content to fit in a small space.

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source In other words, there is the option to 3D scan objects and archival objects and display via projection or digitally within a physical framework.


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A large draw to this potential museum would be women comedians, coming for inspiration and to learn about the struggles and journies of their path makers. These women, too, are part of the history. Hoping to find a way for them to be able to add their bits in a special living archive in the exhibit. follow site Flex Space
Possible additional content based on women comedic authors who have written books and/or articles, as compared to the above category of script and show writers.

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