Forgive Me Father, For I have Math.sin(ed): Polygons & Paths — HokuSurf’s Up

Actually, I did not find a way to incorporate sin and cos in the code for this week’s assignment, however, geometry was definitely the focal point as I…

“Design is Relationships”: The Martian, a Minimalist Design

the design challenge Design a minimalist style book cover for The Martian using only basic shapes and in black and white. Consider relationships such as shape, position, dimension and rotation…

Pawnetic Playground – Energy – Spring 2016

created by angela perrone, xiwei huang & renata gaui   Pawnetic Playground from Angela at ITP on Vimeo. Pawnetic Playground harnesses the kinetic energy of dogs at play, and…

Light Noise, an Unbulblievable Installation

by Gal Nissim & Angela Perrone Light Noise is an interactive installation that lures its audience into the impossibility of shutting off noise while revealing the madness and…