source site UX Design: Mile High Menu from Angela at ITP on Vimeo.

Buy Cheap Tramadol Overnight Design Challenge: From flow chart to wire framing, design a seat-back menu application that meets the following criteria:

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Soda (4 types), juice (2 types), coffee, tea water
(and ice/no ice, can/no can, coffee w or wo milk (whole or skim), sugar,)
Sandwich (3 types)
Salad (2 types)
Dressing (4 types), mayo/mustard
Snacks (4 types of chips) or nuts or fruit
Dessert: cookies, yogurt (3 flavors) Plus:
Identify quantity
Place their order: 3 payment options or cash
Cancel their order
Change order
Or signal not to be bothered

enter site Flow Diagram
In a small group, we created this flow diagram to follow the user flow of all possible interactions, keeping all of the criteria in mind. We also added a feature that allows the passenger to have an order delivered at a specific time.
IMG_4680 2IMG_4681 2

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follow url I ironed out the diagram in a compact illustration.
Flow Diagram

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Using the flow diagram as my guide, I wire framed a prototype of the seat-back menu application. I struggled to decide which prototyping tool to use, from to Balsamiq and the repository of many others. After trying many out,  I decided to stick with the Adobe family with visits with Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects.  These tools offered more of an option to be playful and fun with design, while getting the interactive message across.
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