Group: Gustav Abbott, Esther Hersch, Emmanuel Klein, Angela Perrone & Regina Vetka

Buy Diazepam Powder China We have narrowed down our midterm to several ideas and locations, all of which engage the idea of depth perception and/or color.

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  1. Create a piece of art inspired by Patrick Hughes, that offers the correct view from a specific standing point, and shows something very different from another. Possible Location: Lobby after exiting the elevators
  2. nothing3D Room – Painted Perspective Turn a room into a giant perspective piece, similar to the Hughes idea, where from one viewpoint it looks correct and from others it is very different.
    Possible Location: Classroom, Adjunct Room, Lobby

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  3. Inverted Sculpture/Mask Illusion
    Inspired by the busts of the Haunted Mansion, this illusion would show a head or bust that looks 3-dimensional ,when it is actually concave
    Possibly Location: Classroom, Small electrical closet
  4. Color Illusion
    Expose audience to extreme magenta then extreme blue for 30 seconds (or more) at a time and after they are exposed to a series of color changes, they will see things differently.
    Possible Location: Closet, Bathroom

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