A faithful cork tries desperately to be reunited with the neck of his champagne bottle, only to discover he should have aimed for a different bottle all together.
go I worked with Chino Kim & Marcela Nowak on this animation.
Storyboarding Storyboard artwork by Marcela Nowak & Angela Perrone (that’s me!).
Animating Stop Motion Our story boards were a great guide for getting the shots done efficiently and in order. We moved forward with all of the straight on shots first and once they were complete we did the panning up shot of the champagne bottle, the falling shots and the other various shots with different backgrounds.
go here Due to the projected length of the piece, we cut down our story board a bit, but generally stuck to the plan. Along the way we decided to use eyebrows to express emotion and remove the mouth. After a lot of hard work, I am very excited about our final cut!
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