Tag: stage

Stand P-UP, Creating a Lighting Controller for a Toy (Poodle) Sized Stage

https://www.infotonicsmedia.com/about/buy-diazepam-cheap-online-uk.php Design Challenge: Using an RGB LED, create a lighting controller with faders for changing brightness and color channels, on-off switch, and a control feature to interrupt the fade. Stand P-UP,…

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“The Completeness” by Itamar Moses

get link   The Completeness is the story of two lovers that struggle with commitment and communication. The Completeness is the story of two lovers that compliment each other in both their…


Response to “Empty Space” & “Visits to a Small Planet”

https://thelowegroupltd.com/3lwh5oduoe Empty Space Deadly Theatre: Death by Lackluster & Lack of Connection I found his writing to be a bit confusing to follow at times. I would waver back…

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