Tag: digital fabrication

Getting into the Algorithm

https://www.drcarolineedwards.com/2024/09/18/3o907tvgmeo Design Challenge: Create a design based on algorithmic code in Processing. The Process Using the various examples from class, I tested out the different generative and reactive algorithms…


Vector Workin’ It: Laser Cutting a Box

https://livingpraying.com/i3b4ed8ntp The Design Applying the skills learned in class, I wanted to challenge myself to design a small box using Vector Works. The box is standard, 3″x8″, with a lid, using…


3-Inch Cube Design Challenge

watch DESIGN CHALLENGE Model something that fits inside a 3″x 3″x 3″ cube using at least 5 commands we covered this week and post screenshots on your blog with…

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